Thursday, January 17, 2008

This and That

Today I did my part for the local economy and did some shopping in town. First I went to the local hardware store and got some paint chips for the bathroom redo we're about to embark upon, so there's a promise of a future purchase, and then I went to the local candle store (which is more like a stuff store with some candles in it) and bought two new candles to put on the buffet. Then I took my son to Dunkin Donuts (in town) and bought him a muffin...Ok, so I did a very small part for the local economy. I guess I'm definitely not helping to send anyone's kids through college. But I did shop in town, and that just feels good.

I bought two little African Violets and potted them up. I put one in our bedroom and one in the living room. It's like having little pieces of Spring in the house.

I'm thinking I might know what to do with that Jocelyn fabric after all, but I'm still working on it. At least I'm not drawing a blank anymore. I definitely have to use it in something, don't you agree?

I got a little further on my shiny fish quilt, so that's something. It's going slowly just because of the amount of quilting to be done, but at least I've stopped stopping and looking at it and asking myself what I'm going to do with it when I'm done. Actually I sort of like it now, though it is shiny. That's progress.

Speaking of fish, Bill the fish died today. We knew he was about to, because he's been mopier than usual and didn't look too good. However, I feel I should say something about him, just because he was with us for a few months. So, here goes...

Bill, you were a good fish from Wal-Mart or whatever store we got you from. You didn't ask for much except to be fed once a day and have your bowl cleaned once a week. You didn't do much but hang out under your little plastic plant and look ferocious. But you were a pretty Siamese Fighting Fish. We didn't know you very well, because you were only around for a few months, but your presence certainly added to the -er- decor. You will be missed.
Bill is survived by Jack the Siamese Fighting Fish who lived in the bowl next to his, and by Goldie, my daughter's extremely well-fed goldfish who lives in her room.

I'd like to think we gave Bill a good life for the little time we had him. We fed him daily, and he lived in a big bowl, as opposed to the tiny little plastic tanks people usually put them in. I cleaned his tank every week. He had a plant. I hope he was happy. Rest in peace, Bill, there in fishy heaven.
************************************************************************************* I am hoping that there will be some changes to this blog in the near future. I am re-writing my "about me" section, I finally have a picture I think I want to add, and I am hoping to have someone who knows a lot more than me dress my blog up because it's not too me. I am also thinking of changing the name of this blog, just because I haven't been doing as much stitching as I have other things, though it's still a big part of my life. So if you come one day, and the name's different or it looks different, don't be alarmed. I don't think it'll be too different, no matter what.
Also, I just figured out that I can to reply to comments (yeay!). I had no idea I could do such a thing. So if you comment here, I will now get back to you. And if you haven't commented here because I haven't been replying, please know that it's because I didn't realize I could. Your comments are SO important to me, and I welcome each and every one of them. Please let me know your opinions!
Again, as always, thank you all for coming by!


staci said...

Love your new candles, they look so cosy!

My condolences to Bill, may he rest in peace. My daughter had a goldfish in first grade (all first graders in her school got one). She named it Tangerine and it lived for a year, which was quite a feat because most of the goldfish were dead within 2 months. And when it died (it was quite traumatic),and there were lots of tears, and we had to bury it in the yard under one of the trees (because the mention of toilet and flushing proved even more traumatic!) So needless to say, it was our last fish because I couldn't handle all the drama!!!

Pumpkin said...

Your candles are lovely! They look so relaxing, even just looking at them. I wish I could stitch by candlelight. LOL!

Poor Bill :o( Unfortunately fishies like that don't have a long life but I'm sure it was a good one :o)

Oh please, tell me how I can respond to my comments!!!!