I've reached post #50, and as promised, I'd like to hold a giveaway. Just a little something to say thank you for visiting with me for the past few months and listening to me ramble on. You've all made me feel welcome, and I thank you for that!
I made this pincushion out of a transferware cup. I used some of the things that came in those bags from Flights of Fancy to make it. There were some lovely things in those bags!
If you would like to participate in the giveaway, just leave a comment. This blog is currently open to anonymous comments, because I realize a number of visitors may be from WordPress or TypePad and couldn't comment otherwise. If you do not have a Blogger account and would like to enter, just be sure to leave your name in the comment, so I know who you are! Also, if you have a blog that's not a Blogger blog, it'd be great if you'd leave that addy, so I can come and visit.
The drawing will be Sunday, March 2nd. I wish you all the best of luck and thank you for participating!
It is just lovely. How do you come up with these ideas?
OMG Jocelyn! That is amazing! It's just so pretty and delicate :o)
Btw, I put up a picture of Mom's quilt on my Blog :o)
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