Friday, October 12, 2007

Pumpkins and Comments

So, still plugging away at Three for Tea for my daugher. It's been slow going, so there's nothing more to post--for now. Just more pink. I am hoping to make AMAZING progress on it all of a sudden and then put something up to show all of you. That hasn't happened yet, but I'm working on it. That's the truth. There will be progress pictures in the future, I promise!

I have been sewing again. This cold weather makes me want to go up into my studio and stay there all day. Come to think of it, that's what I did yesterday. I stayed there all--day--long (pauses are in between for dramatic emphasis). Yes, I enjoyed it. A whole lot, as a matter of fact. And I was pretty productive, too. I pumpkined in a big way. I went pumpkin crazy, as a matter of fact. Here's the proof!!
Ok, why so many pumpkins, you may ask? Well, if you'll recall I had a bit of bad stashing a little while back, when my $10 presser foot turned into $60 of fabric and presser foot. Very evil. I felt very bad about it, and I was determined not to hoard my fabric like I normally would, putting it on my shelves and just fondling it from time to time. So, I guess to work off my guilt, I decided to be productive about it and use it for what it was intended for--pumpkins. I could not find a suitable pattern for these things, let me tell you. I looked on the internet, in pattern books, etc, but none were making me happy. So I made the pattern up. First I made the small pumpkin pattern (which I posted the other day all by its lonesome self), and I was happy with it. It actually looked quite large-until I put it in place. And then it was too small. So, back to the drawing board. I made a larger one-better, but still, maybe it could be bigger?? So I made a bigger one, which was definitely big enough (I know this because my 3 year old son used it as a soccer ball before throwing it at his sister. Very helpful.). So, three sizes. And I had enough fabric to make a couple of the mediums and a few of the smalls, so I did. And I still have a little fabric left over to fondle. I am a happy girl!

I also worked on those cats from that McCalls pattern I bought at the JoAnn's when I was supposed to be buying costume fabric for my daughter. I got two of them worked up, but they're not totally done. I will post them soon, though. They are very cute!

About comments on this blog: Here I am thinking, gosh, this blog is so quiet, am I writing to myself? But Cheryl let me know that my comments weren't turned on. And I was wondering why I never got any! Geez, go me! Aren't I clever? Anway, I have (hopefully) turned them on at this point, so comment away! I'd love to hear what you have to say. And thank you very much Cheryl. I appreciate your letting me know. I had not figured out why it wasn't working. I am also very glad you are feeling better. Colds are no fun at all. Thank you also for your words. You are too kind!

I hope you all have a great day! Thank you for stopping to read my blog. I always appreciate it!


Sara said...

Those pumpkins are so cute! You picked perfect fabric:)

Mindi said...

I just found your blog through a link from Cheryl's blog. Those pumpkins are gorgeous!

Cheryl said...

Yeah!! Your comments are on at last :) I was going to post on my blog again this week to tell you they weren't working!
I love these pumpkins you have made!

BeckySC said...

BEEutiful pumpkins :)
So happy we can leave comments now :)

Arthemise said...

Your pumpkins are so neat!!!

Lelia said...

Wonderful pumpkins : )