Monday, December 24, 2007

Things I have learned from my kids

about the holidays

1. Once a candy cane falls off the tree, it is not good enough to be put back on, and must be eaten IMMEDIATELY. Even if it didn't break. It's obvious it didn't want to be up there in the first place if it just jumps off.

2. More really is more, especially when it comes to lights or decorations. Less is just not enough.

3. Cookies are a perfectly acceptable breakfast. After all, they contain eggs, and wouldn't you eat eggs for breakfast?

4. You really can watch "Arthur's Perfect Christmas" every time it comes on PBS, even if you've seen it 1000 times before in the past week. You never know what might change.

5. Holiday dresses are especially wonderful and should be worn as MANY times as possible before the day you're mother says your supposed to wear it. However, holiday vests and pants are no good at all and should NEVER be worn without a fight.

6. Hot chocolate is the ONLY way to warm up on a cold day.

7. Snow is fun and should be thrown at your mother no matter what time of day it is or where it is she's trying to get you to go.

8. It's perfectly acceptable to sit in the back of the car on a long ride and shout out "Christmas lights!!" every time you see a lit house, even if that means you'd be shouting for a full half hour. Everyone likes to be informed, after all.

9. Cats really DO want to wear those sticky wrapping bows on their necks, even if they run away every time you approach. They are just playing hard to get.

10. One ornament per branch on the tree is for weenies. Every good decorator knows that clustering your accessories is the best way to show them off, so clustering your ornaments is the best way, too. Don't be afraid to put 6, 7, or 8 ornaments on one branch--it can take it, and the effect is so much more full.

Best wishes to all of you for a wonderful holiday! Enjoy your days! See you all soon!

PS--The cookies in the first picture are called Springerle. They take 3 days to make, and are mostly egg whites and powdered sugar and Anise oil. The reason they look like that is that they are pressed with a cookie mold on the second day. It leaves a lovely design.


Anonymous said...

LOL Kids are great aren't they! Have a great Christmas!

PS Those cookies look delicious!

Pumpkin said...

ROFL! That's hilarious and true ;o)

Thanks for the information on the cookies. Oh, they do look lovely but I doubt I would have the energy to make it through the three days. LOL!

Merry Christmas Jocelyn!

Sharon said...

LOL how funny and all so very true. LOve your blog and love those cookies, now where upstate do you live, I live there also. Are there any cookies left?? :)
They sure look yummy!!